Friday, November 14, 2008

The Sun and The Moon

A couple of really cool things happen at my household this time of year and month.

The first one I noticed the morning after we changed our clocks back. When I was taking a shower around 8:00 in the morning, I felt the sun shining down on me (hey that sounds like a song LOL) through the window. It was awesome. It makes me feel as though I am outdoors. Outdoor showers are THE best. I went on a mountain biking trips many many moons ago and the place had a shower that was out on the deck. It was awesome (and luckily for the other guests, it was surrounded by a shower curtain). So now I get a little taste of that every morning. It's great.

The second thing I noticed takes place at night. I recently moved my bed so now the head of it is under a couple of small windows that sit a little high on the wall. And now that the leaves are all of the trees, and the moon is full, I have a full view of the moon when I lay down to sleep at night. I love it.

So I can sleep under the moonlight and shower under the sunlight. I have a little bit of outdoors right there in my little old house. It's perfect.

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