Friday, February 20, 2009

She's Growing Up and Moving Out....

...of my room that is. A while back I purchased a bed that Rylee had picked out for her and Molly. I wrote in that post that the sleeping arrangements at our house desperately needed revising and the bed would solve a lot of it.

Well, Molly and I finally got the bed fully set up correctly and we re-arranged her room so it is truly "Molly's" room (except for the little sidekick sleeping next to her at night). Rylee was so excited. She was going to be sleeping in her own bed for the first time!

I didn't hold out too much hope that she would make it through the night. I mean she has slept with someone next to her pretty much since she was born. She's not a fan of sleeping alone. She always has to have her hand or her leg or her foot resting on me while she sleeps. And she knows when I leave the room, even when I leave for the gym at 5:00 in the morning, she wakes up within a half hour and either calls out for Molly or gets up and lays down next to Cody until I get home.

BUT...she has done it!!! She is officially in her own bed at night! She was sooooo cute. And what was even cuter was how excited she was to be sharing the time with Molly. She asked Molly if they could "talk" before they went to sleep. Just "girl talk" she said. "Like boyfriends and crushes and stuff". Too always.

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