Monday, January 5, 2009

Looking Forward

I got to thinking last night about 2009. There are quite a few big events happening this year that are kind of exciting.

I, along with quite a few good friends, will be turning 40 this year. This, of course, gives us all an excuse to have one party after another and to get together and to possibly go away if funds allow. Yeah!!!

I will be graduating in May. Well, technically I have already graduated but I will be walking the walk in May. In front of the kids and my parents and some friends.

Molly will have her 8th grade dance and graduation in June. Hard to believe her middle school years will be coming to an end.

With some of my tax return money, I will be purchasing two roundtrip tickets to South Dakota so Molly and Cody can go see their Dad. They miss him terribly and I know that they need to see him. So they will be going to SD for 3 weeks when school ends and even though Ry and I will miss them, I know that it will be worth it for them. They need to see him again. It's been way too long.

Rylee will begin preschool in September. And Molly will begin high school. HOLY COW!!!! A little nerve-racking but definitely exciting.

So much to look forward to this year. But I know in my household this morning, nobody is looking forward to going back to school, or daycare, or work. It's been a very good two weeks and we are all going to have a little adjustment this morning. Time to get it started!!


Minnesota Girl said...

I hear you on the adjustment of getting back to work and school today! None of us were exactly thrilled, either. The day is definitely dragging and the week promises to be slow! Ugh!

Kimberly said...

You have an exciting year ahead! Enjoy it all.