Monday, June 22, 2009

Back to Basics

I have been in some sort of rut the past three or four weeks and to be honest, I don't even feel badly about it. It was just a really long and overdue time to just chill. I kept up on the housework but did not tackle any big projects. I went for a few walks and/or runs every week but did not hit the gym every day like I normally do. I brought the kids to their games/practices but with lacrosse ending and soccer coming to an end, there's been very little of the rushing and non-stop action that we normally have every day of every week. And it has been nice.....but it just isn't us.

Which is a good thing. Because today, Rylee starts dance for the summer and Molly has a soccer game, and Cody's lacrosse stick has to be repaired, and the bikes need air in the tires before we head out on our ride later this morning, and I have a ton of paperwork I have to get through at the house today. So for me, busy seems to be the key because I had absolutely no problem getting up at 5:30 this morning and heading straight to the gym. And it feels good.

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