Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Year in Review
The first few months of 2008 were pretty fun and exciting and also pretty busy. The kids and I went to our first ever Bruins Game. We went to a Rascal Flats/Kellie Pickler concert. Hockey was in full swing and I was very involved with volunteer work for hockey. Which, when combined with working 30 hours a week and going to school full time, made for some pretty long days. I was on autopilot, plowing through everything I needed to do each day, one priority after another.
The next few months marked the end of hockey and school. The end of every hockey season is always so bittersweet. By April, everyone is soooo ready for it to just end. Yet, it is so sad too because you know that the team and the group of parents that you bonded with over the past 6 months will never be again. Not like it was. But then we quickly moved into lacrosse and hockey was just a memory. The end of school was just plain torcher. I had one paper after another to finish up and I had to work so many late nights/early mornings after the kids went to sleep to get everything done. I had hoped to graduate in May and walk with the class but because I hadn't been sure if I would finish on time, I never applied for graduation, so I wasn't able to graduate. Until August. Which is an accomplishment that should be noted but it was kind of different than graduating in May and walking the walk. I'll be doing that this May and I am sure it will be a very proud moment for me, and the kids, and my parents.
With the end of school and hockey, I finally found the time to start working on the house. The attic needed clearing out and the yard needed tons of work and I needed to figure out the sleeping arrangements. A two bedroom house with three kids just wasn't working. But it had to work so we had to figure out something. I designated one room to be Molly's and it took so much work and so much time but we finally ended up with a room that she loves.
I have never been one to get stressed about money. Finances have always been tight for me but by September, things were really getting scary. I was in danger of losing the house, the truck and my sanity. I took a hard look at everything, weighed out all my options, and then called my contact at the bank to let him know my thoughts. Luckily, this was right before the big financial crisis and even luckier, they worked with me to help me refinance and get me back on track. And now, even though I still don't have enough to make ends meet, at least we have a roof over our heads and transportation. Everything else will fall into place. It always does.
The reason things always fall into place for me, eventually, is because of the people that surround me. I have the best parents and the best group of friends and neighbors that anyone could ever wish for.
So I end 2008 with so many thanks to the neighbors that helped me with the yard when my mower was broke, to the hockey families that have always taken such good care of the kids and I, to my professors who worked with me and my situation, to my best friend of 25 years who answers that phone every time I call with yet another drama and yet more tears, to JAG who gave me so much this year and opened my eyes to what I want in the future, to my friends and parents, and to my kids, who no matter how much they may give me the business are really really good people. Thank you all so much.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Classic Ry
So I was a little surprised last night when she yelled to me from the bathroom. The conversation went like this:
RY: Mom, can you wipe me?
MOM (surprised since we had just done this an hour ago): Why did you poop?
RY: No. I just don't want to have to wash my hands after.
MOM: Rylee, you can wipe yourself and then wash your hands. (Hmmm, I wonder why she's so independent?)
A few minutes later Rylee emerges from the hallway asking if I can buckle her belt. Something was fishy. I looked her in the eye and asked if she washed her hand. She looked me right in the eye and said "No, I didn't wipe."
So I guess I can now add Reasoning to her list of skills.
Then we had a talk about bladder infections and germs in the bathroom. I think she'll be washing her hands AND wiping every time now.
You Go Girl: Part 2
Friday, December 26, 2008
It Was Wonderful
At the end of the day, as we were getting dropped off back home, the two older kids thanked my mother and said it was a great day. And I could tell in their voices that they meant it. I was filled with so much pride. They have learned that the spirit of Christmas is more about those that you love and the giving to others, rather than that what you receive.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
She Looks Familiar to Me
But she's here. At the gym. On the treadmill: sometimes running sometimes walking. In spinning class: sometimes with lots of tension sometimes with no tension. Doing nautilus. Adding weight and reps each week. And you can see a speck of the confidence that she once had so abundantly. A confidence that she knows, without a doubt, that she will be able to shed the extra 50 pounds she has packed on this past year. A year of many accomplishments but so much turmoil. A year of emotional growth and an awakening to the limitations of others, no matter how much friendship, insight, and especially forgiveness she has provided. A year that is thankfully ready to become history.
So my thoughts are with her today, hoping that she has a Merry Christmas, but especially hoping that everything falls into place for her in 2009.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
And then I remember....
During the summer months we would grab our bikes and ride into town, the number of kids increasing along the way, where a large group of us would hang out at the school or cool off at the swimming hole on The Lane. Sometimes there would be a pool party at Justin's or Joey's and we'd all push each other in and laugh and have fun.
Springtime was for mudding. The guys would ride their dirt bikes or 3 wheelers and I would ride my pony and we'd make our way through the woods, following the trail right to the sandbanks. There we would take turns plowing through deep puddles of mud and climbing the steepest sand banks. I remember being saved by Raymond once when the 3 wheeler I was on stalled right after I got the front tire up and over the top edge of the hill. He must have seen the look of fear on my face because he quickly grabbed the handle bar and pulled me, and the 3 wheeler up to safety.
Fall brought the hunting season where opening day often led to a case of "buck fever". This meant that many teachers and students would be noticeably absent. I remember having a bet with Mr. T, the science/gym teacher, over which one of us would get the biggest deer. I can't remember if he got one but I know that I did not.
Not all the kids in school played sports but a good chunk of us did. The soccer and softball teams were co-ed because of such low numbers but we did have two separate basketball teams. We would pile, literally since there were no seatbelt laws back then, into trucks, blazers and jeeps and we would travel to our games where we would cheer each other on, sometimes a little too loudly. Our teachers were our coaches and our parents were our drivers. And it all worked. It worked really really well.
I started this post with the intention of writing about how difficult it is to live around here sometimes. Jobs can be scarce, meeting new people can be difficult (since you either know them or know someone who does), shopping locally can be quite challenging (I went to three stores yesterday and struck out every time), and most importantly, getting a Raspberry Martguerita on a Monday night is impossible. That was how I was feeling last night. But this morning, as I was driving Molly to her orthodontist appointment, I looked up at Mt. Greylock and it was beautiful. And on the way home from her appointment, I had a different view from a different town and it was even more beautiful. And then I much I love living in this nook of the world.
Monday, December 22, 2008
At Her Best
Mom: Ry, please get your shoes on so we can get going this morning.
Ry: I don't have socks on yet.
Mom: Well please get your socks on so we can get going this morning.
Ry: Can I tell you my idea?
Mom: Sure, what is your idea.
Ry: You get my shoes and socks so I can put them on so we can get going this morning.
Mom (laughing): What a great idea, for you! OK but can you brush your hair while I get your shoes and socks so you can put them on so we can get going this morning?
Ry: Yes.
Ry: You know what?
Mom: What?
Ry: I look great with my hair down.
I love the conniving skills and the confidence she has!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
You Go Girl!
A few times she even stole the puck away, once lifting the other players stick up and then swiping it right from underneath him. She made some great passes, right to the sticks of her teammates. She made some great stops, keeping the puck in the zone. It was fun to watch. And she had fun playing it.
And best of all, she was named Defensive Player of the Game. Here's the coach's writeup about her Molly "Hey, I really CAN play Defense" was solid!!! Breaking up 2 on 1's, 3 on 1's, even a couple of 2 on 0's!!! She earned a unanimous Defensive Player of the Game!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008
So So Sweet
As I started the lazy process of waking up on my own, I glanced at Rylee and saw that she was laying beside me, awake but relaxed. She must have sensed how rare and awesome this morning was going to be. I closed my eyes and let myself drift in and out of sleep a little while longer.
Soon I felt a fingertip lightly lift some hair off my forehead and tuck it behind my ear. Then I felt a couple of fingertips slowly and softly rub my cheek, up and down a few times. A second later I could feel her breath close to my face as she kissed my forehead.
A second later I hear a light whisper "I love you Mommy".
So so sweet. A morning I will treasure forever.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Dora Memory: Good for Both of Us
That's not to say I don't have days where I could send them all to the moon and live happily ever after, but for the most part, I haven't found being an older mom to be that much different. Until yesterday.
Rylee received Dora Memory for her birthday on Sunday. As she was popping out the cards from the cardboard frame, I reviewed the directions (I don't know why, I am just quirky like that sometimes). I decided that we would only play with half the cards since this was her first time playing and I didn't want to overwhelm her.
I quickly learned how it would go. It would go something like this: Rylee finds a match, Shelley does not, Rylee finds a match, Shelley does not, Rylee finds a match, Shelley does not and Rylee does this Ha Ha shaking of the shoulders tease. She was so good! And I was so bad! It was literally to the point that when I flipped over a card, I would watch her reaction to see where the match was. I am not kidding! By the end of the game she had 14 matches and I had 10.
So YES, being an "older mom" is much different. You see, I need to play Dora Memory just to get my brain back in shape!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Hockey Dilemma
She is playing with the girls. That was our deal at the beginning of the season. The girls team would be priority. The only reason she is on a boys' team is because it is the only way for her to play full time hockey, locally.
My dilemma isn't which team she should play for though. My dilemma is which game to go watch. A few weeks ago, she had a home game with the girls' team and Cody had an away game (read 1 hour drive each way). Figuring a conflict of games wouldn't happen too often with the girls' team playing so few games, I chose to stay home and watch her game and I sent Cody off to his game with one of the coaches. Cody, jokingly (I think) said "sure watch her game and not mine" to which I replied "well next time I'll go to your game".
Well that "next" time has come. His game is in Springfield tomorrow at 11:45 and her game is local at 9:30. I want to go to his game and I want to go early because the PeeWee team from our league is playing right before us and I haven't been able to catch many of their games this year. But now I find out how competitive Molly's game is and I want to go see her. She plays her best game when she is under pressure. She doesn't feel that pressure when she plays with the boys.
Ugghhhhhhh......such dilemma.
Update: I went to both games, leaving Molly's a few minutes early and getting Cody to his game just in the nick of time. She did great and even though they lost 5-0, the game went really well.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Mind over Matter....
I have had three prescriptions, a CT scan, an ultrasound, and still...nothing conclusive. Just me being overly sensitive and a baby. But sometimes I want to be a baby!!! I want to not worry about anything or anyone and I want to crawl into bed and pull the blanket over my head and stay there until I feel better. Really better. But I can't. Not an option.
So when I woke up today, I decided that I was going to just ignore the pain and blah feelings and not look in the mirror where I see the toll life has taken. I am going to feel like myself today. I am going to be funny and witty and confident and I am going to enjoy every little bump in the road. Mind over Matter.
I went downstairs to change the laundry around and stepped in water because the sump pump isn't working again. So I fixed that. Then I went over to the dryer to take out the clothes but they were still went and the dryer didn't turn back on. So I fixed that. Then I went upstairs to get Ry in the shower and the water never got hot...just luke warm.
Screw Mind over Matter. I tried.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
No Nursery Songs Here
And again: I kissed a girl. I liked it. Hope my boyfriend don't like it. I taste cherry chapstick
And again and again and again.
That would be Rylee singing the past few days.
And this was our conversation last night:
Ry: Kiera likes that song too. It's her favorite.
Me: Really?
Ry: Yeah, we both sing it today.
Me: Were you in your classroom?
Ry: No, we were singing it in the locker room.
oh boy.....
Me: Did the teachers hear you?
Ry: No we sing like this whispers the words to the song
Me: Ry, sing me Twinkle Twinkle
Yeah....I'll be expecting a note or call from the teacher this week.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
He Shoots & He Scores!!!

In other sports action: Friday night was a community wide pep rally for the big football game on Saturday. I was so excited to go! Rylee and I sat with some neighbors and my friend Michelle, who had been playing for the team. Unfortunately, it was pretty lame and NOTHING like what it was back in the day but Rylee enjoyed watching the cheerleaders and this was the first year. Hopefully it grows from year to year. After the pep rally we darted over to the next town to catch the last quarter of the final football game of the season for the Mounties. Michelle younger son plays on that team.
Saturday was the big rivalry game. Hoosac vs Drury. North Adams vs Adams. Red vs Blue. It's such an experience. Alumni, parents, administrators, teachers, is such a community wide event every year. And this year was especially close because both teams had great seasons and the results of the game would determine who would advance to the playoffs. Rylee had so much fun watching the dualling cheerleaders and Molly and Paige got into the spirit with decorated t-shirts and war paint with glitter. So cute. And even better...we won!
Saturday night was the kids' hockey game and then today Cody went to Holyoke with the coach so I could take Molly to her game with the girls' team. They won 6-0 and Molly played great. She had a bunch of shots on goal and an assist.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Sun and The Moon
The first one I noticed the morning after we changed our clocks back. When I was taking a shower around 8:00 in the morning, I felt the sun shining down on me (hey that sounds like a song LOL) through the window. It was awesome. It makes me feel as though I am outdoors. Outdoor showers are THE best. I went on a mountain biking trips many many moons ago and the place had a shower that was out on the deck. It was awesome (and luckily for the other guests, it was surrounded by a shower curtain). So now I get a little taste of that every morning. It's great.
The second thing I noticed takes place at night. I recently moved my bed so now the head of it is under a couple of small windows that sit a little high on the wall. And now that the leaves are all of the trees, and the moon is full, I have a full view of the moon when I lay down to sleep at night. I love it.
So I can sleep under the moonlight and shower under the sunlight. I have a little bit of outdoors right there in my little old house. It's perfect.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Too Many Thoughts in My Head
Some are really funny little tidbit type things that I can't wait to share:
* Miss Independent Rylee yells out to me after giving herself a bath that she is done. When I asked her if she washed her whole body she proudly answers, "I washed my front bum and my back bum". Love it. I know many parents would correct their 3 year old and tell her it is called a v. a. g. i. n. a. but I am not one of them. In fact, I may start calling mine a front bum too. I can just hear it now....Excuse me pharmicist, could I get some frontbumical cream please???? And can you imagine the dirty talk?! Yeah, I won't go there but feel free to let your imaginations soar.
Some are really sad and emotional things that I just want to express:
* A friend of Cody's parents are splitting up (for just a short time I hope) and I feel so sad for all of them. I know that no marriage is perfect and that we all have our issues, but to know that such an awesome family is currently going through that breaks my heart.
* A local fireman that recently retired after 30 years died unexpectedly last weekend. He was only 58 years old, was so outgoing and personable, had a huge group of friends, loved and appreciated his wife, and his daughter just recently got married. I can't stop thinking about how awful this is for his wife. I can't even imagine losing your "everything" so early in life.
Some are the joys of parenting:
* Speaking louder than Molly (who is trying to speak louder than me so she can continue to ask the same question that I already answered with a resounding NO) to say that if she asks ONE MORE TIME then she will NOT be going to the pep rally tomorrow OR to the game on Saturday.
* Molly telling me she is sorry after she finally shut.her.mouth (what a peaceful 3.2 seconds)
* Rylee telling me that Molly said she was sorry after I didn't respond to Molly's apology.
And some are accomplishments: I went spinning today : )
And failures: I ate pecan pie after lunch : (
But mostly, they are things in my life that I have a deeper appreciation for, because I want to share them. I really enjoy putting bits and pieces of my life out into the open where some of it may or may not connect with someone else. It's pretty cool.
PS: I apologize to the 4 or so people that read these entries and then have to listen to me tell the same things to you in person.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Knockin on 40's Door
I went grocery shopping for more than my normal "just enough to get by" list
I made macaroni and cheese -- homemade ...Not Kraft Mac n Cheese
I almost stayed home with Rylee while the kids went to hockey practice on Tuesday
I made an awesome lasagna dinner, complete with salad & fresh garlic bread
I had friends over to enjoy the dinner (and to put together the trundle bed that has been sitting in my kitchen for way too long). Thanks Rob!
I still had beer in the refrigerator the next morning. Like 4 out of 6?!
I made lasagna again the next day because I still had the ingredients and because there were no leftovers and the kids asked me to!
There was only 1 night that I collapsed into bed with a sink full of dirty dishes
I at first declined an offer to go out dancing on Saturday night.
When I was talked into going, not that it was too much of a challenge, I actually curled my hair. Then used Molly's foundation and mascara and OMG, lip gloss!!!! Disclaimer: I was too uncomfortable so by the time I got to there, the lip gloss was a distant memory.
I didn't dance, we were home long before 2:00 a.m., and I had still had money in my pocket.
I stayed home on Sunday. Like really really stayed home. I never even opened a door to the truck. I didn't even go to the store. AND, I was okay with it.
I think....I think....well I think :gasp: I am growing up. It's taken 39 years and 8 months but what the heck. I had to do it sometime I guess. Although, I am still not sure if I like it.
My Brother Bryan
So I went home and fed Molly and bathed her and read to her and put her to sleep. Then I called you. In fact, I think I tried calling you twice. I hung up the first time and then left a message the 2nd time. It was around 9:00 pm. Then I went to bed. I was pretty exhausted. The baby was a week over due and I was still working full time and running after Molly the rest of the time.
Then Mom was calling. She wanted me to come over the house. When I asked her why she said she wanted me to bring her car over to her (I was using her car that night because you still had mine and she didn't feel like driving me home after the hospital visit). Of course, it didn't make sense that she would want the car at 10:30 in the evening so I finally got her to tell me what was wrong. I started to cry and then said out loud "ok. I can't think about this right now. Did you call Dad?". She said yes and we hung up. I called Dad. He didn't say anything and neither did I. I told him I'd meet him at Mom's house. Then I called my husband at work. His supervisor answered . He was excited and asked if I was having the baby. I replied no but it was really important that I talk with Duane. He said he'd be right home. Then I called my best friend since 6th grade. She asked me if I was having the baby.
By the time I got to my mother's house my father was there and a few close family friends were pulling in at the same time. My aunt and uncle were there. I hugged everyone and then put Molly back to bed. My mom gave me the details that she knew so far. My sister had not called back yet. So I grabbed the phone and went into my mother's bedroom. I started trying to call my sister and left messages with every friend of hers that I knew. It was 11:00 on a Friday night. She was only 21 and probably wouldn't be around for hours yet. So I called the airlines and got a flight for the next morning for her to get home. I then called so many police numbers. I kept getting connected to 911 in the Rochester area instead of the getting to the police station. Finally, I was able to talk with an officer that was at the scene. He said there was hunting gear in the car. His thought was that he may have fallen asleep after hunting. The car went off the road and hit a telephone pole. He hadn't been wearing his seatbelt (I still don't understand this...he was the one that got me into the habit of always using one). He was thrown from the car and died instantly. I asked the officer if he thought alcohol was a factor. He said he didn't think so. I still wonder if he was just easing my mind.
And I still wonder what you wanted to tell me when you called me back that morning. It's the one thing in my life I would take back if I could. I wouldn't have hung up that phone.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
"Bring It On"
* "Mom, what does kick your ass mean"
* "Mom, why her boobs go up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down?" she innocently wonders as she moves her head up and down, up and down, up and down.
* Her constant YELLING and then clapping her hands together saying "READY!? OK! R.Y.L.E.E.D.B.L.T" over and over and over, and did I mention over?, again. At all times of the day and evening. Ugghhhhh
* Her reciting the cheers, wherever we are, "I don't like you! Because we are cheerleaders......something...something.... and they are whores."
Yeah we had to have a few discussions about bad words. But the biggest reason I will forever remember this movie as not the movie for her to have watched, is...well.... now she wants to be a cheerleader. And I know her and I know that this will be in her head for a long, long, long time. Not, of course, that there is anything wrong with cheerleading. It's just that, well, I kind of saw Ry as a soccer, lacrosse, softball, gymnastics, and hockey kind of girl. Not a dance and cheer girl.
But she is good. She's really good, actually. And she makes up her own cheers combining what she watched with songs that she knows with movements that I haven't got a clue where she picked up. And she does it with so much enthusiasm and so much emotion and she ends every cheer with the funniest expression. It's this really cutesy, smirky, quirky, kind of extended wink.
Well, at least I'll get to go to all the football games. In fact, this weekend is the big rivalry game between Drury and Hoosac. I think I'll take her to it on Saturday. She can sit and watch the cheerleaders and I can watch the big game....Go Drury!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Halloween & Hockey: I am Still Recovering
Saturday was a sports filled day. We left the house at 7:30 in the morning and headed to learn to play hockey so Molly & Cody could help out with the new skaters. The little ones were so cute all dressed up in hockey gear. After that we headed to their soccer game where they both did really really well. Then it was back to the rink so Rylee could watch her "boyfriend" Brandon play his game. He's not on the same team as Molly and Cody this year. A couple of hours later, after feeding the kids lunch, we headed to the rink yet again for a couple of home games. The boys on that team were huge! Molly pretty much stayed clear of them and passed the puck as quickly as she could. At one point, she got checked into the boards. Cody said coach John commented "crunch" after the hit, which cracked me up because that described it perfectly. She was fine.
About 18 or so of us headed to the pizza place to grab supper before we headed back to the rink, yes that would be the 4th time in one day, so the kids could skate Teen Night while us adults chaperoned. It was a mild night because all the kids that showed up were really good kids but we didn't get enough to actually make any money. We broke even but the kids had a good night so it was worth.
Molly and Cody both had an awesome game on Sunday. Cody got a top shelf goal from the blue line that was outstanding. And Molly played her best game of the season getting quite a few shots on goal and another assist. And Rylee took a nap on the bleachers. Which cracks me up because we haven't played at the Brattleboro rink in two years and I have pictures of Rylee sleeping on the bleachers then too.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Life Lessons
So the lesson I seemed to have instilled in her at some point along this journey is that the only purpose in a shower is to make your hair look good.
Just. Great.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Englightenment on Parenting
The first incident was at the house. Molly wanted Rylee to lay down and watch a movie with her. Rylee had her own agenda. But Molly, being Molly, kept asking her, almost pleading with her to lay down and watch the movie. And then the conversation went something like this:
Rylee: Molly look at me. Look at me right now.
Molly looked at her
Rylee: I said no. No means no. Do understand that?
Molly doesn't answer because she's trying so hard not to laugh.
Rylee: Answer me. Molly answer me right now. Do you know what No means?
Rylee: When I say no, I mean no. It does not mean to keep asking. No means no.
Molly finally answers okay and bursts into laughter. Rylee leaves the room, NOT watching the movie.
Rylee: 1 Molly: 0
The second thing was on Saturday night. Her and Rylee slept over my mother's house. Molly said she was almost asleep when she heard Rylee say "Molly, are you sleeping?". Molly thought about what to say and then decided the best thing would be to pretend she is in fact sleeping and not answer Rylee. So Rylee got close to Molly's face and loudly said "Molly, answer me. Are you sleeping?" To which Molly had no choice but to reply "No".
Rylee: 2 Molly: 0
When Molly told me about that, I had to tell her about what she used to do to me when she was young, and even not so young. Like one time when I was sick and sleeping on the couch while her and Cody played in the living room. She walked up to me and screamed "MOM" just to wake me up. Then I told her that if I was sleeping and Cody noticed. He would go get a blanket and cover me up.
And Molly's response: "Oh. Now that explains EVERYTHING."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Fall Foliage
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Family Fun, Football, & Of Course Hockey
Hockey officially started on Saturday. We had two games and then watched our league's PeeWee team play. Cody got defensive player of the game. Molly did well, better than she thought she did. I'll post that story another time but will say now that I am very very proud of her.
Saturday night I took my mother to a benefit dance held for a very good friend of mines father, who has lung cancer. It was good to see everyone and heartwarming to see the community pull together like it did. There were so many people and so many gifts donated for raffles. It was truly amazing. And at the same time very very sad.
Sunday I met my Sheryl for a very long run/walk on the rail trail. It took us 2.5 hours to do 11 miles. Next weekend I want to do in two hours. I was pretty sore but overall felt good. And best of all, I am looking forward to doing it again.
Sunday afternoon we went to Max's football game. He is really learning and getting into the game now. He had two solo tackles and recovered the football. After his game we went to visit my friend Maureen and her family. It was so gorgeous we sat outside and watched the kids play. Later, when it cooled down we went in to watch the Dallas game. It was so exciting and the kids really got into watching it because the score was so close and then went into overtime.
And then Monday we attempted to hike Greylock. Below are pictures of Rylee getting ready for the hike. Yes that is makeup on her face and yes she does have a skirt on. It took some convincing but I finally did get her to change into more suitable hiking attire. After our hike, we went apple picking.
When we were done picking apples, we stopped at Barb and Jeff's to drop off hockey flyers and ended up staying for over an hour. He coaches soccer, in addition to the kids' hockey team, and they were getting ready to leave for a game when he got a phone call that another player wouldn't be there. So he asked Cody and Molly if they wanted to play. So off to a soccer game we went. It was great to see Molly play soccer again. And best of all, she had a great time playing and the two of them are now on the team. They have about 5 more games left. Yeah! Soccer, hockey, dance and gymnastics. Ahhh, I feel like myself again. It's been a long summer!

Friday, October 10, 2008
The Look
I was dropping Molly and Cody off at school today. I usually do something funny, well something that I think is funny, to jokingly embarrass her. Like yell out the window "Make good choices" (just like Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday) or God Forbid, wave to one of her friends. Eik, the horror! But today, I wasn't trying to embarrass her. I was just doing what she always asks me to do.
As we pulled up to the school she was glad to see two kids she knew and was quick to get out of the truck. In the meantime, Cody opened his door from the front seat and Molly heard the song on the radio that was just starting. I heard her say, "Oh I like that song". So I turned it way up so she could hear it as she walked away. Well apparently that was just sooooo NOT the right thing to do. Her head snapped around so frickin fast I can't believe it is still attached to her neck. And she gave me THE LOOK.
Glad to see I have taught her something useful.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Dessert for Breakfast: Awesome
I came to work today with the best of intentions. I knew I had an apple on my desk and was planning on eating it for breakfast. I was actually looking forward to hearing the crunching and tasting the sweetness. I even thought about it while driving it this morning. But then....the baker brought over a freshly baked lemon zinger cake! YUM. The apple might as well have been raw liver. There was no way I had the power to eat an apple and be satisfied while that beautiful lemon caked called my name over and over again (not really, I had my bowl and fork waiting before he even set the box down). So I had a healthy (read hearty here) slice of the cake and hopefully the apple will be breakfast tomorrow. Best. of. intentions.
Once I finished every crumb of my slice, I came to the realization that if I am to continue working in this department, I will need to hit the streets and/or gym at 4:30 a.m. so I can get in a full 90 minutes of cardio a day.
Yeah right! Pass me another slice of cake please.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Sleeping Solutions
Friday, October 3, 2008
Fall Foliage Weekend
Fall Foliage in this area is a big thing. It spans over three weekends of activities that satisfy the young through the old. It is a time for socializing, following decade old traditions, and appreciating mother nature.
Besides the spectacular scenery, the first weekend of October also brings the annual Children's Parade on Friday night, the Charity Bed Race on Saturday afternoons, an array of dinner and entertainment options for Saturday evening, and then Sunday is the Fall Foliage Parade. I love walking through the downtown area first thing in the morning. I can feel the excitement of the parade. The spectator stands have been set up on Main Street, the yellow tape has been roped from the trees as an attempt to keep people off the streets, hundreds of people have already set up their chairs or are in the process of doing so, street vendors are beginning to set up their carts, and children are anxiously waiting to see the firetrucks, floats, Shriners' go-carts, and fabulously talented high school marching bands.
The weekend proved to be everything I expected plus more. I had the pleasure of watching a couple of youth football games and the first hockey game of the year! Molly's girls' team beat the IceCats 3-1. She did great. And, best of all, I crashed in on my brother's class' 20 year reunion and was able to catch up with some old friends that I haven't seen in way too many years. Everyone looked great and had an awesome time. I am glad I decided to go.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Goodnight Hour
Random list of wants, needs, and demands in no particular order:
* Me asking her to brush her teeth
* Her telling me she doesn't want to do that now but tells me, with her finger pointing and hand on hip, that she will do it in the morning
* Me asking her to get her pajamas on
* Her telling me that it is too hot (yes even with the temp at 40 degrees) for pajamas
* Me asking her to lay down so I can put on her diaper
* Her telling me that she can do it ---- and she does ----- I really should video tape this one day
* Me asking her if she wants me to read her a book or if she wants to watch a movie
* Her telling me that she will read me a book and then we will watch a movie
* After the book OR the movie (yes I do occasionally win battles with a 3 year old), she throws fit which includes crying to the point of a coughing fit
* Her demanding water (I don't even try to win this battle)
* Her settling down
* Her asking (yes asking) me to sing her a song
* Me singing, if you want to call it that, her Hush Little Baby
* Her telling me to sing another song
* Me singing ABC's to her
* Her singing me Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
* Her starting to sing another song
* Me asking and then demanding that she stop
And then the routine circles back to her throwing a fit.
Ahhhhh, the joys.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Sign Read: Will Work for Food
Teachers' assistants in our schools get paid every two weeks. They work 30 hours a week. Their paycheck, for 60 hours of work, providing education and guidance to our children is a measly $8.00 after the cost of family health insurance is deducted. I read that in the paper the other day and I can't stop thinking about it.
Then today I saw something and I had no idea what to do but felt compelled to do something. A man was standing next to his bicycle with a cardboard sign that read "Will Work for Food". Now I don't live in a big city so this is not something you see very often, if ever, around here. The man had two medium sized bags that I am assuming hold all his belongings and sewn to one of the bags was a tiny American flag.
I instantly had tears in my eyes. I had no idea what to do. I wanted to stop and give him money, but I had none to give. I just spent the only money I had left, I put $10 worth of gas in my gas tank. Then I thought, well maybe he can mow my grass and I can give him some food. But I don't have too much in the fridge or the cupboards and I don't get paid until Friday to replenish. So I drove by him, I waved, and I sit here an hour or so later and hope that things somehow work out for him. And wonder what can be done.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Seven Years Ago Today - 9/11
Every person you speak to remembers what they were doing when they heard the horrific news or witnessed it live or on television. I had just started college the week prior to this and I was sitting in my Child Development class when some of the students were talking about what happened. My immediate response was that we would be going to war. Even without knowledge of the Pentagon hit, I never imagined that it was an accident, I immediately assumed it was an attack on us and that we would need to retaliate. And I was filled with an emptiness because of what war would mean. What it would mean to the soldiers and the millions of people that would be affected by it.
My next thoughts were of the people in New York. Later in the day, when I heard of the Pentagon hit, I thought of three very good friends who work in DC and then the dozen or so others that I knew from when I worked there in 1992. Right after Desert Storm. My friends, thankfully, were not hurt physically. Emotionally, for all of us is another story.
911, 9-11, 9/11 No matter how you see it or how you say it, those numbers will be forever etched in our minds.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: My Brave Little Girl
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My Old Friend
But by Saturday afternoon, I didn't feel much like going. I just felt kinda sluggish and gross. Not a good way to feel prior to a night out. So I visited an old friend. A friend I hadn't seen for more than once a week in over a month. A friend I really, really needed.
That friend was the gym! I needed a hard and sweaty workout. So I chose to run on the treadmill. I did pretty good too, considering. And I am happy to report that I had a great night. The comedian was so so funny and then we danced and laughed and laughed while we danced. It was awesome. And I am even happier to report that I have made the effort to regain my daily habit of starting the morning with a good workout.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Affair with Country Music
But I do remember that someone had given them a tape player. You know, an 8 track tape player. Do you remember those? Whoever gave it to them also gave them three tapes: Dolly Parton, Kenny Rodgers, and Queen. I remember my brother and I playing them over and over and over again. I could probably still sing along to any of the songs on those tapes. Dolly Parton had a really sad song about a girl dying and Kenny Rodgers had two songs that really stood out. One 'Don't take your love to town' was about an injured soldier coming home to his cheating wife and the other was Ruben James about a colored man that was discriminated against.
Those were my first memories of country music. A few years after high school, just before I was moving to D.C. my best friend and I started hanging around with some older redneck type guys and their families and all they listened to was country music. The night before my last day at work we partied all night over in New York and 'There's a Tear in My Beer' by Hank Williams kept playing on the juke box. I think of that night every time I hear that song or his name.
I never really listened to it again until 1991 or so when Garth Brooks was getting hot. A trip to South Dakota made me a country music fan and that was all I ever played on the radio (unlike my parents, I always have radios playing). Garth Brooks was my favorite. His 'Friends in Low Places' song played continuously. Here are some of the lyrics to it:
'Cause I've got friends in low places
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away
And I'll be okay
I'm not big on social graces
Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
Oh, I've got friends in low places
I guess I was wrong
I just don't belong
But then, I've been there before
And everything is alright
I'll just say goodnight
And I'll show myself to the door
I didn't mean to cause a big scene
Just wait 'til I finish this glass
Then sweet little lady
I'll head back to the bar
And you can kiss my ass
I like country music because you can always understand what the words are that are being sung and you can always relate to the story somehow. When I was pregnant for Molly, my first child, tears would stream down my face every time I heard Tim McGraw's 'Don't Take the Girl'. This verse would put me over the edge
Same old boy
Same sweet girl
Five years down the road
There's gonna be a little one and she
says it's time to go.
Doctor says the baby's fine
but you'll have to leave
'Cause his momma's fading fast and
Johnny hit his knees and there he prayed
"Take the very breath you gave me.
Take the heart from my chest.
I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me,
make this my last request.
Take me out of this world
God, please don't take the girl"
That is why I go through stages of when I can listen to country music and when I can't. If I have something sad going on in my life, I stay away from WGNA and all things country. It's just too hard to heal if you are surrounded by so much sadness. After my brother's death, it took me about 6 years before I could listen to it again. And then there were a whole new batch of artists and songs. Really funny songs like this one:
And I’m feedin’ the dog, sackin’ the trash
Its’ honey do this, honey do that
I sobered up and I got to thinkin’
Girl, you ain’t much fun since I quit drinkin’
And this one:Well you know those times when you feel like
There's a sign there on your back
That says I don't mind if you kick me, seems like everybody has
Things go from bad to worse
You think it can't get worse than that
And then they do
Every Friday night there's a steady cloud of dust
That leads back to a field filled with pickup trucks
Got old Hank cranking way up loud
Got coolers in the back
Tailgates down
There's a big fire burnin' but don't be alarmed
It's just country boys and girls gettin' down on the farm
Well we grew up down by the railroad tracks
Shootin' b.b.'s at old beer cans
Chokin' on the smoke from a lucky strike
Somebody lifted off of his old man
We were football flunkies
Southern rock junkies
Crankin' up the stereo
Singin' loud and proud to gimme three steps
Simple Man, and Curtis Lowe
We were good you know
Now this nation that I love
Has fallen under attack
A mighty sucker punch came flying in
From somewhere in the back
Soon as we could see clearly
Through our big black eye
Man, we lit up your world
Like the 4th of July
Hey Uncle Sam
Put your name at the top of his list
And the Statue of Liberty
Started shaking her fist
And the eagle will fly
And there's gonna be hell
When you hear Mother Freedom
Start ringing her bell
And itll feel like the whole wide world is raining down on you
Ahhh Brought to you Courtesy of the Red White and Blue
We got winners, we got losers
Chain smokers and boozers
And we got yuppies, we got bikers
We got thirsty hitchhikers
And the girls next door dress up like movie stars
Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar
Love for the things in your life:
Just the other night at a hometown football game
My wife and I ran into my old high school flame
And as I introduced them the past came back to me
And I couldn't help but think of the way things used to be
She was the one that I'd wanted for all times
And each night I'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine
And if he'd only grant me this wish I wished back then
I'd never ask for anything again
Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers
She wasn't quite the angel that I remembered in my dreams
And I could tell that time had changed me
In her eyes too it seemed
We tried to talk about the old days
There wasn't much we could recall
I guess the Lord knows what he's doin' after all
And as she walked away and I looked at my wife
And then and there I thanked the good Lord
For the gifts in my life
Every Time Our Eyes Meet,
There Is A Feelin Inside Me
It’s Almost More Than I Can Take
Baby When You Touch Me
I Can Feel How Much You Love Me
And It Just Blows Me Away
I’ve Never Been This Close To Anyone
Or Anything
I Can Hear your Thoughts, I Can See Your Dreams
I Dunno How You Do What You Do
I’m So In Love With You
It Just Keeps Getting Better
I Wanna Spend The Rest Of My life
With You By My Side
For Ever and Ever
Every Little Thing That You Do
Baby I’m Amazed By You
She said I'm going out with my girlfriends
Margaritas at the Holiday Inn
Oh have mercy my only thought
Was tequila makes her clothes fall off
I told her put an extra layer on
I know what happens when she drinks Patron
Her closets missing half the things she bought
Yeah tequila makes her clothes fall off
She'll start by kicking out of her shoes
Lose an earring in her drink
Leave her jacket in the bathroom stall
Drop a contact down the sink
Them panty hose ain't gonna last too long
If the DJ puts Bon Jovi on
She might come home in a tablecloth
Yeah tequila makes her clothes fall off
She can handle any champagne brunch
A bridal shower with Bacardi punch
Jello shooters full of Smirnoff
But tequila makes her clothes fall off
After Rylee's dad and I broke up last year, I once again stopped listening to country music. That was right about the time that the kids started liking their own genre of music and so I came to know and like the popular music of today. Rihanna, Nickelback, Pink, etc. It's fun and light and easy to move along to. Every once in while, when the kids weren't hogging the radio station, or when the station wasn't coming in clearly, I would hit # 4 on my radio to see what was playing on WGNA. It was always something like this:
He said: "Just think it over, and write me a list,
"So we can figure out what we both deserve."
She hardly could believe it, that their love had come to this:
Dividing an' deciding his and hers.
But she grabbed a paper napkin, an' asked the waitress for a pen.
An' one by one, she wrote down what she wanted most from him.
She reached across the table an' placed it in his hand,
An' said: "You know this isn't easy for me."
As he thought about the new car, the house an' the land,
An' wondered what that bottom line would be.
An' a thousand other things that she'd want him to leave behind,
But he never dreamed he'd open up that napkin and find
"Honesty, sincerity, tenderness and trust.
"A little less time for the rest of the world,
"And more for the two of us.
"Kisses each mornin', 'I love you's' at night,
"Just like it used to be.
"The way life was when you were in love with me."
But I discovered something recently.
I discovered that I am ready now. Not just a little ready, but really ready. Ready to listen to country music again.
And this is the song that brought me back:
The declaration of independence
Think I can tell you that first sentence
But then I'm lost
I can't begin to count the theories
I had pounded in my head that I forgot
I don't remember all that spanish
Or the gettysburg address
But there is one speech from high school
I'll never forgot
Come on in boy, sit on down
And tell me 'bout yourself
So you like my daughter, do you now
Yeah we think she's something else
She's her daddy's girl and her mama's world
She deserves respect, that's what she'll get, ain't it son
Now y'all run along and have some fun
I'll see you when you get back
Bet I'll be up all night
Still cleaning this gun
Well now that I'm a father
I'm scared to death one day my daughter's gonna find
That teenage boy I used to be
Who seems to have just one thing on his mind
She's growing up so fast it won't be long
'fore I'll have to put the fear of god
Into some kid at the door
The problem is, now there may be some fighting over the radio. But I can handle that too!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Former 90210 Junkie
Yet, there I was, continuously being drawn into everything 90210. Well, not everything, it's not like a bought a Brenda doll after all. But I did follow all the Shannon drama printed in the tabloids and soaked up all the entertainment news for all of them. And I I even felt an ache in my heart during the high school graduation episode.
I have been without television since 2001. I have not had must see TV for years. But something happened this summer. I could feel myself being drawn to something. Every time I logged onto Yahoo, or stood in line at the grocery store, I saw the pictures and I read the articles. 90210 was coming back! I didn't realize how big that draw was until last night, at about 8:05 pm. At some point yesterday I heard or read that the new version of 90210 was premiering on CW at 8:00 pm. I didn't consciously think anything of it. Then when I was at the grocery store I automatically picked up the newest issue of US Magazine which had Shannon Doherty on the cover.
After the kids were settled, which was surprisingly early last night, I started flipping through the magazine. And I couldn't focus on anything because I kept wondering how Brenda and Kelly's characters were going to be worked into the new series. And what have they been up to the past 10 years. After about 10 minutes, I told Molly that I was going to Grandma's house for an hour or so and to call me if they needed anything. And then I rushed over to catch up with my old "friends".
And I am very happy to say, that aside from the very hunky Rob Estes, there is nothing about this show that will have me rushing over to my mother's house again. I am not sure if this means that I have outgrown it or that it was that bad but needless to say, I am no longer a 90210 junkie...... Til they bring back more of the old characters that I love to hate!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Kids....You Gotta Luv Em
This brought back memories of comments from all three of the kids:
"You have a little belly and a big belly?" Rylee upon coming eye to 'little belly' contact with me in my workout pants.
"Mommy, you have a belly like Santa Claus. I love your belly" Molly patting my belly when she was about 3.
"Your bum starts waaaaayyyyyy up here (presses the small of my back ---- yes i wrote back) and ends waaaaayyyyy down here (presses against back of my thighs). Again Molly, probably a week or so after the Santa Claus comment.
"I love your legs, they are just like fluffly pillows" Cody while settling in for a little nap on my lap, I'd say he was about 3. I'm seeing a pattern here.
"Mom, at least you have 6 pack legs" Molly after riding her bike behind me while I was running with Rylee in the jogger. "Uhhhhh thanks Molly but that would be CELLULITE". She was trying to make me feel good because Cody had just explained to her what 6 pack abs were and when she asked me if I had 6 pack abs I laughed and said no.
Ahhhh the joys of motherhood. I have to go now. Time to do some situps and leg lifts. LOL