Friday, October 10, 2008

The Look

You know the look you give your kids? The one that can instantly stop them in mid punch or mid sentence? The one that lets them know that you are not fooling around? Well I got that look today. And it cracked me up. I could not stop laughing and still find it amusing now, thirty minutes later.

I was dropping Molly and Cody off at school today. I usually do something funny, well something that I think is funny, to jokingly embarrass her. Like yell out the window "Make good choices" (just like Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday) or God Forbid, wave to one of her friends. Eik, the horror! But today, I wasn't trying to embarrass her. I was just doing what she always asks me to do.

As we pulled up to the school she was glad to see two kids she knew and was quick to get out of the truck. In the meantime, Cody opened his door from the front seat and Molly heard the song on the radio that was just starting. I heard her say, "Oh I like that song". So I turned it way up so she could hear it as she walked away. Well apparently that was just sooooo NOT the right thing to do. Her head snapped around so frickin fast I can't believe it is still attached to her neck. And she gave me THE LOOK.

Glad to see I have taught her something useful.

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