Monday, December 22, 2008

At Her Best

A conversation while I am picking up around the house and Rylee is finishing up breakfast.

Mom: Ry, please get your shoes on so we can get going this morning.

Ry: I don't have socks on yet.

Mom: Well please get your socks on so we can get going this morning.

Ry: Can I tell you my idea?

Mom: Sure, what is your idea.

Ry: You get my shoes and socks so I can put them on so we can get going this morning.

Mom (laughing): What a great idea, for you! OK but can you brush your hair while I get your shoes and socks so you can put them on so we can get going this morning?

Ry: Yes.

Ry: You know what?

Mom: What?

Ry: I look great with my hair down.

I love the conniving skills and the confidence she has!


Kimberly said...

Ha! She is very clever indeed!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Smart girl that!