Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kids....You Gotta Luv Em

Rylee was sitting next to me on the couch actually letting me read to her when out of nowhere she pats my belly. It was like she had never seen it before. She was amazed by it and kept looking at it from different angles. As I am looking at her looking at me I'm wondering what is going through her 3 year old head. And then, as all 3 year olds do, she said what was going on in her head. "You got a baby in your belly?" "Uhhhh Nooooo" I answered. But I couldn't help but laugh because she was so serious.

This brought back memories of comments from all three of the kids:

"You have a little belly and a big belly?" Rylee upon coming eye to 'little belly' contact with me in my workout pants.

"Mommy, you have a belly like Santa Claus. I love your belly" Molly patting my belly when she was about 3.

"Your bum starts waaaaayyyyyy up here (presses the small of my back ---- yes i wrote back) and ends waaaaayyyyy down here (presses against back of my thighs). Again Molly, probably a week or so after the Santa Claus comment.

"I love your legs, they are just like fluffly pillows" Cody while settling in for a little nap on my lap, I'd say he was about 3. I'm seeing a pattern here.

"Mom, at least you have 6 pack legs" Molly after riding her bike behind me while I was running with Rylee in the jogger. "Uhhhhh thanks Molly but that would be CELLULITE". She was trying to make me feel good because Cody had just explained to her what 6 pack abs were and when she asked me if I had 6 pack abs I laughed and said no.

Ahhhh the joys of motherhood. I have to go now. Time to do some situps and leg lifts. LOL

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