Friday, March 27, 2009

Learning to Relax

It's hard for me to sit still. I've always been one to go, go, go. There's always someplace to be, something to do, and someone to see. Home is just a place to sleep, shower, and house our clothes and sports equipment. Weekends are busier and crazier than the work week. Even holidays and vacation days are jam packed with action. In fact, I was so busy this winter that I had to schedule a personal day off from work JUST so I could finally go snowshoeing. Something that I used to do all winter long!!!

But not this week. Or next. Two full weeks off from work AND the kids are in school AND hockey has ended AND travel lax and soccer have not yet started. OH MY GOD. What to do what to do. I was so excited the first morning I had to write everything down that I want to accomplish during this time: reorganize the attic, spring clean every room in the house, clean the xterra, workout without time limits, go to a matinee by myself, have lunch with friends, catch up on the blog, go trap shooting, read a book, lose some weight, etc, etc, etc.

So far I have tackled a few of those things. The good news is that working out without time limits is the one that I have enjoyed the most. It's been especially great that the weather has been so awesome so I could actually be outside for a change. The REALLY good news is that I don't really care if I don't get to all of those things, like reorganizing the attic, because I mean who really cares? But the REALLY REALLY good news is that a few hours of each day so far this week....I do nothing. Literally, nothing! And I don't feel guilty about it. relaxing without guilt. Awesome!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

You should never feel guilty for doing nothing. It's such a luxury. I'm jealous. I can't remember the last time I did "nothing."